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Boggy Creek II: And The Legend Continues

MST3K: SEASON 10 (1999) , ,

Up Next in MST3K: SEASON 10 (1999)

  • Track of the Moon Beast

    In the theater, the crew watches as a moon rock transforms a young man into a reptilian creature with ambiguous connections to Native American mythology in "Track of the Moon Beast" (1976). Meanwhile, on the SOL, Crow apologizes at length for a prank.

  • Final Justice

    In the theater, the crew watches as a Texas sheriff heads to Malta to clumsily pursue a killer in FINAL JUSTICE (1985). Meanwhile, on the SOL, Crow and Tom are cruel to poor Goosio, Friend to Maltese Children Everywhere.

  • Hamlet

    In the theater, the crew watches as a German television producation of Shakespeare's tragedy proves to be unbearably dull in "Hamlet" (1961). Meanwhile, on the SOL, Mike and the bots play "Alas, Poor Whom?" trying to guess the deceased person based on a single bone from their body.